Friday, October 15, 2010

Local musical audition draws unhidden talent

MORE than 20 people turned up for the first day auditions for a musical production.

Composer Igelese Ete said he was impressed with the local talent that turned up at the auditions for Malaga "The Journey" to Fiji.

Auditions held at the Fiji Arts Council on Waimanu Road saw 27 young people turn up yesterday.

The auditions continue today from 10am to 8pm.

"It's been great," he said. "We thoroughly enjoyed what we've seen.

"We will see unearthing of unknown talents and there is huge amount of potentials.

"With all the talents we've had we'll produce something world class."

Mr Ete said the production would essentially be about selecting the most inspiring and passionate cast that will deliver with heart, soul and excellence- and be able to work intensely in high frequencies.

The return of Malaga "The Journey" to Fiji dates are December 9 to 11 at the Suva Civic Auditorium.

"Malaga is about inspiration, empowerment, and the uplifting of the nation via the Fijian/pacific creative and performing arts," Mr Ete said.

"We know that together, we will succeed" and so auditions are open to all regardless of race, gender or creed."

Mr Ete said the production, combined with a wide variety of musical genres, choral and dance; upcoming talent and a dynamic Production Team, Malaga Fiji 2010 promises to be the beginning of another great journey.

Following the auditions, the cast will head into an intense five to six weeks rehearsal schedule before opening night.

A media release said on the back of the most recent Malaga in Wellington, New Zealand last month, where it wowed audiences.

"Ete if refining the Malaga production for the Malaga Australia, Sydney Opera House next February, the possibility of having as part of the World Cup Festival in New Zealand and eventually the famous musical stage of Broadway New York in 2012."

Mr Ete will be collaborating with fellow composers Damiano Logaivau and Calvin Rore, who have both just returned from a successful production in Tonga.

He will also team up with acclaimed Fijian playwright/ director Larry Thomas.

Mary Rauto
Saturday, October 16, 2010
(Fiji Times)